Setting Realistic Wedding Resolutions


The month that divides us into two groups: those who make New Year’s resolutions and those who don’t. The people who make New Year’s resolutions can then be divided into two more groups: those who follow through with their resolutions and those who don’t. I’ve definitely fallen prey to the “setting a completely ridiculous New Year’s resolution only to be sorely disappointed” group more times than I can count. But never fear, this year will be OUR year. How will we start? By establishing tangible and attainable 2023 wedding resolutions.


#1. Don’t Procrastinate

I know, what’s a New Year’s resolution without a comment about procrastination? Well, it happens for a reason even if we all hate to hear it. Procrastinating is one of those things that constantly pops up in these lists because it’s so simple but makes such a big difference when a change is made. So, while I might not know all the things, I do know one thing and that is weddings. Procrastinating is the silent killer and by making small changes and small steps along the way of your wedding planning it will make all the difference. Here are some tips to ensure procrastination doesn’t get the best of you this year:

  • Stay organized. If you’re anything like me, the less organized I am the more I find myself putting tasks off. If the tasks I need to complete aren’t right in front of my face, I won’t do them. I find what works best for me is writing everything down, whether that be in an agenda, a calendar, or a sticky note on your fridge – or all three! For myself, it’s not enough to just have things written down on my phone or in my inbox, I need that physical reminder as well.

  • If it’s something that can be done within 5 minutes, do it right away. ‘Out of sight, out of mind’ comes in hot here. As soon as you walk away from that task, it’s being put on the back burner. If all you have to do is hop on Etsy and order that guest book you’ve been eyeing, just do it. By tackling these tasks as soon as possible, you’ll hopefully avoid those smaller tasks creeping up on you two weeks before the wedding.

  • Prioritize your tasks and put this list somewhere you will check frequently – whether that be written down in person or on your phone/computer. Put the most important tasks that can’t be procrastinated at the top and work your way down from there. If you can visually see that you need to book your hair and makeup right now for your September wedding, you are less likely to ignore it. The goal is to make things so easy for yourself that procrastination isn’t even an option.


#2. Set A Realistic Budget

We usually caution couples on booking vendors blindly without having first established your budget. Weddings are expensive, and if you do not track your spending and establish a budget you can easily end up spending WAY more than anticipated.

One of the first steps to setting a realistic wedding budget is sitting down and prioritizing your ‘must-haves’ with your partner. If amazing photography is your priority, you are now able to work top-down from your overall budget that you have set. Additionally, while you sit down with your partner and establish your budget you may have to face some hard truths. If you know you are not the DIY master and don’t have a knack for décor/design, then you may want to make sure décor is factored into your budget.

Lastly, procrastinating plays a huge role in staying on budget. Wedding vendors book very far in advance, and if you put off booking certain vendors you may not get the vendor that was in your price range. Make sure you remember this while you write down your tasks for your fridge door!


#3. Set Priorities With Your Partner

Are you starting to notice a trend here? Everything snowballs off the other. I’ve highlighted these as important resolutions for a reason! They all go hand-in-hand.

It is important to sit down with your partner and decide what is most important for the two of you on your wedding day. When doing so, you may discover that while photography is your #1, your partner’s is actually food and drink. By establishing these priorities early, you have time to work out a plan and budget that suits both of your goals.

While having these conversations with your partner, remember not to compare yourself to what you see online. Social media, while amazing and so resourceful, is sometimes too resourceful. We like to call it getting caught in the “Pinterest-trap”. You’re online seeing all of these trends at people’s weddings and suddenly you think your wedding needs all of the bells and whistles. The trends that you see online, while totally awesome and beautiful, are often pricey, time consuming, or hard to execute. Those intricate bridesmaid proposal boxes that you see all over Instagram? They are a nice gesture, but they can add up. If it’s not in the budget don’t kick yourself for not doing it (and if it is in the budget, all the power to you!).

#4. Take Non-Planning Time to Yourselves

Make sure at the top of your priorities list is YOURSELF. Wedding planning can feel like it takes over your entire life, so please remember to unplug from the wedding world and take time to yourselves.

 One of our favourite sayings here at Unmistakably You is “you’re planning your marriage, not just your wedding” and that’s especially true in this aspect. Take time to cherish the love between you and your partner and remember what made you fall in love in the first place.

 Taking time to yourself doesn’t need to be some elaborate weekend getaway. If all you can manage is one day of rest and relaxation at home watching your favourite Netflix show, then that’s perfect. Taking time here and there is just as effective as taking one large chunk of time away.

While you embark on your planning process, try to remember these key tips:

  • procrastination is the silent killer

  • set a realistic budget early

  • establish your priorities

  • most importantly, take time for YOURSELVES.

So, go on, go forth, and make 2023 your year.


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